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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How to name your puppy?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name
would smell as sweet" - William Shakespeare
From Biblical times much thought was given when people chose names for their children. A name reveals much about a person's character, destination and his reason for being. Take for instance 'Abraham', meaning 'father of many nations' and 'Solomon' meaning 'peace'.
Although the Shakespeare quotation is correct, and that which we call a dog, by any other name would still bark (unless he is a Basenji), but wouldn't it be boring if all dogs were just called "Dog"? Humans have named their dogs with unique and cute names since dogs have been domesticated.
We know many ancient Egyptian dog names from leather collars as well as stelae and reliefs. They included names such as Brave One, Reliable and Good Herdsman. Other names come from the dog's looks such as Blacky or Snowy. Many dogs with white feet and black or brown bodies are called "Socks". Many names seem to express endearment, while others convey merely the dogs' abilities or capabilities.

Seaching for names for dogs is one of the first things new puppy owners will be doing. If you are in the process of searching for a name for your new puppy, there are a few things you can consider.

  • Try not to give a name that sounds similar to any command you will use, such as "Sketch" if you will use the command "fetch".
  • Call out each name that you consider a few times to get the feel of calling your puppy by that name. Short names are easier to call.
  • Remember also that you yourself as well as others will eventually abbreviate long names. So if you don't want your dog to be called "Abby", don't name her Abbigaile.

Here follows the 10 most famous male and female dog names in the world:
1 Max
2 Jake
3 Buddy
4 Bailey
5 Sam
6 Rocky
7 Buster
8 Casey
9 Cody
10 Duke


1 Maggie
2 Molly
3 Lady
4 Sadie
5 Lucy
6 Daisy
7 Ginger
8 Abby
9 Sasha
10 Sandy